How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs will vary based on weight and location. To get an exact shipping cost, add your items to your cart, go to your cart page and scroll down to use the shipping rates calculator, or begin the checkout process.

You can use the following as a rough guide:

Within the U.S.:

USPS Ground Advantage (2 - 5 business days): $4 - $9
USPS Priority Mail (1 - 3 business days): $9 - $13
FedEx 2-Day Shipping (no PO boxes): $11.50

International Orders:
Free FedEx Standard International shipping for orders over $300

Orders less than $300:
FedEx Standard International (4-6 business days): $20 - $80

Please note any customs duties or VAT fees are not covered and will be due upon delivery.

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